Tuesday, November 6, 2007

One down.... 524 to go.

My blue heron in all his glory.... sort of... despite the unnecessary fluorescence....

My heron painting is at a point where I am this close
to calling it done! FINALLY!

I've been working on him for a few months now, amongst other projects as well (the Artsfest and Oyster Festival shows). It's taken much longer than I had planned, but soon I won't have to stare at him any longer and I can move on to something new. Too bad I'm still undecided as to what, exactly, that is going to be- still, it's nice to be able to check one thing off my list of about 525 ideas for paintings that I currently have.

Possibilities for my next painting:

Red Poppies (I've already started this- might as well finish it, right?)
4 separate portraits (in the same style as my Louis Armstrong portrait) of all 4 of The Beatles
Portrait of Eric Clapton
Tulip Tree flower(s)
Oleander Moth
Bee Moth
Black and white swallowtail butterfly drawing
Some beachy/surfy stuff

We'll see what happens....

1 comment:

starbrite said...

Sam, that Blue Heron is GORGEOUS! I want one! How much are you thinking of selling a print of one of those for? Oh, btw, I totally need you to come out here and help me do my room, cuz HEEEEEEEELLLLLLP!!!!! I can't decorate to save my life! We can go on a totally green/sustainable shopping spree, and put up your artwork on my walls - I've already got two of your frogs!