Monday, June 8, 2009

Oleander Hawk (Sphinx) Moth: Bug #24

How I would love to see one of these in person:

The oh-so-colorful Oleander Sphinx Moth.

Members of the Hawk Moth family, these moths are native to Africa and Asia. Some migrate to Europe in the summer. They can also be found in parts of Hawaii- next time I'm there, I'll be on the look out!

I've only seen them in pictures, but they're one of the most stunning and beautiful bugs I can recall.

You can see more images of them here- as far as I can tell from the photos I've seen, the colors I illustrated aren't exaggerated (well, maybe the yellow, a little, but that's it!). This is what they really look like! :)

Oleander Hawk Moth Images....

1 comment:

Doris Sturm said...

Oh, that one is so pretty. I have learned so much since you did this bug-a-day series. Every time I see something I've not heard of before, I go research it a little and it has been a very interesting learning experience.

Thanks, Samantha, very lovely paining!