Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Some very nice people & some great reading!

Upon my return home late last night, I'm starting to regroup and try to settle back into a normal (though different) life again.
I checked my email this morning and was quite surprised, and flattered, by some folks who found my artwork and decided to feature me on their sites. What an honor and so kind of them.

The first is a blog, http://www.brneyedgal.blogspot.com/ and she sums it up by saying on her banner, "A little bit of this... a lot of that!"
She blogs about events going on in her life and is such a fun writer- she makes you really feel like you were there with her at an event she's written about. She also does some tributes, or the occasional review, sometimes with a give-away. I like blogs that have a good variety of content and aren't always about the same thing, which is why I like hers. You never know what you're going to get. One day a post might be about a birthday party, another post might be about a home makeover, the next day maybe it's about one of her many wonderful experiences being a Mom.
She wrote a lovely post about my artwork and I was so flattered to read it- even included some information about Hydrant Hysteria. It was like reading a whole biography of myself :)
and I enjoyed reading about how her son is a nature lover in the making... Yay!

The next was quite a surprise since I often hear about this website, http://www.foundhandmade.com
They're mentioned a lot on Etsy forums, so to get a convo on Etsy from them stating I'd been included in their recent posting about caterpillars (which are all ridiculously cute, but how can anything with caterpillars not be?) made me do a double-take to make sure they were contacting the right person.
I definitely smiled when I read the first sentence on this blog post which stated, "Caterpillars are lovely and fun on their own before they even become butterflies." My thoughts exactly!
If you enjoy cute caterpillars and want to see some adorable handmade ones, the post is here:

The last is a wonderful blog, http://www.nottherockefellers.blogspot.com/ which has a lot of poetry, along with photos and stories too. Her writing style is really beautiful- both the poetry and her journal-style posts. She sent me an email via the contact section on my website to let me know that she had included my fireflies ACEO illustration to go along with her poem, "Catch and Release." You can click the title to read her poem- it's so beautiful and well written. Very significant. I was honored to have my artwork included with it in her post. I think a lot about when my sister and I used to go outside and catch lightning bugs. Now at 19, she's almost all grown up (and at 30 so am I, I guess...) and the poem made me think of how I miss those moments with her when she was a kid.

But she might not be above going out and catching some together if I mention it on my next visit home :)


Kate8085 said...

Congrats on all of your fabulous press!!

Unknown said...

Thank you for mentioning me! I was so happy to find your beautiful art and include it with my poetry. I think they both, together capture the childlike wonder of catching fireflies.

Peace - Rene

Doris Sturm said...

Congratulations on your popularity. I hope it will lead to many sales, Samantha.